My Koda (Mit Koda) is your personal pages online where you can see your musical works, agreements, report your concerts and see your distribution specifications and account overview.
- How to register works
Video: How to register a work (In Danish with English subtitles)
When registering a work on My Koda, you need to fill in four mandatory fields.
- Work title
Enter the title of the work in this field.
You can choose to fill in the ‘alternative title’ field if the work is to be used in a commercial, a movie or on TV. The alternative title helps us recognise your work once your music has been used.
Example: Original title ‘Efterårets klang’, alternative title ‘TDC’.
- Duration
Specify an approximate duration. Distributions are made according to the reported duration, not the duration registered by you.
- Division of shares
The publisher’s share is set at 33.33% by default, but you can change this figure to match the share agreed with the rightsholder. Tick the relevant boxes to show which rightsholders are covered by the agreement.
The division of shares must be made in accordance with the applicable rules on standard division or on the agreed division of shares. You can view the division of shares including the publisher’s share by using the 'Calculate standard distribution/Calculate publisher distribution’ buttons. If you have agreed on a specific division of shares other than the default share, you need to enter the relevant shares in the fields yourself.
- Role
You must now state the role played by the relevant rightsholder (or rightsholders) in relation to the work: composer, author, composer/author, arranger or sub-author. You can add rightsholders in three different ways:
- If a rightsholder is not a member of Koda, just enter their name (last name first). You can choose to use the comment box for additional information (social security number/CPR number, performing alias, country).
- Enter their membership number or IPI number (international composer number).
- Find the relevant member by searching for them by name.
How do I register a work with more than one agreement attached?
If you need to register more than one agreement on a given work, enter the agreement numbers in the ‘Comment’ field, which you will find a few steps further in the formular.
What does ‘unprotected’ music and lyrics mean?
The terms ‘unprotected music’ and ‘unprotected lyrics’ means that the relevant composer or author has been dead for more than 70 years: copyright on such works has lapsed, so anyone can use them. If you use unprotected lyrics or music, click the relevant boxes when you register the work and fill in the name of the composer/author under ‘rightsholders and share division’. If you don’t know their name, write ‘DP’.
More about adaptations of unprotected works
- Agreements
Use the item ‘Agreements’ to search for your agreements and view their details.
- Click the number of the relevant agreement to view its details.
- Have all works shown by clicking ‘Get / Search’ without specifying a title, or search for a specific title by entering it in the field.
- The drop-down menu will only list owned publishing firms, original publishers and sub-publishers if there is any content to show.
- You can download the data in Excel / PDF formats.
- Power of attorney
Power of attorney
If you, as a composer or copywriter, want a manager or the like to have access to information about your musical works and distribution statements and to act on your behalf when notifying works and reporting concerts, etc., you must provide the person in question with a power of attorney. As the handling of such power of attorneys may provide an extra workload on Kodas administration, Koda reserves the right to charge a handling fees for such a power of attorney. - Multi-login
It is possible to access multiple profiles via your My Koda publisher profile. When you log onto your profile, you can switch between:
- Your own publishing firm
- Publishing firms owned by you
- Rightsholders that have given you power of attorney.
If you want to access a rightsholder’s My Koda profile, that rightsholder must have given you power of attorney first.
Get the Power of Attorney form
Please contact Koda’s Member Services if you would like to use the multi-login option.
E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: (+45) 33 30 63 20.
- How to report a concert
You must register your concert no later than one month after the performance
The deadline has been set to help give us the best possible conditions for ensuring that your receive payment for your concert. Venues have been known to close, to change hands, etc., so it is easiest for us to claim the appropriate remuneration if we can do so quickly. We receive reports for more than 30,000 concerts a year. To handle this vast volume of reports, parts of our system are automated. This makes it particularly important for you to check that you submit the correct information.
Should all band members report the same concert?
No. We recommend that you appoint a single person from your band as the person responsible for reporting your concerts. If more than one person reports the same concert, we get duplicate reports in our system. Only the member who reports the concert will be able to see it in My Koda. Once payments for the concert have been distributed, all rights holders involved will be able to see the details in their My Koda – Account overview.
Reporting a concert via My Koda
When you have played a concert, report it to Koda by clicking “Report Concert” on My Koda. You will begin by filling in the main pieces of information about the concert, details about the venue and concert promoter, and finally you will list the works played.
The main information about the concert includes the artist’s name, date, time, and number of concerts.
- Artist’s name: You can either register a new artist’s name or choose a previously used artist’s name.
- Date, time, and number of concerts: Simply state the figure “1” for the number of concerts played – unless, of course, you have played more than one concert at the same venue for the same concert promoter over a period of time.
Then state the venue and concert promoter.
- Venue: You can either choose a venue from a list or enter a new venue. The minimum information required is the venue’s name, address, and zip code, but would be useful if you can also state the name of a contact at the venue and a telephone number for that contact.
- Concert promoter: If the venue is also the concert promoter, simply indicate this by ticking the box “Is the venue also the concert promoter?” Remember that the concert promoter is the one paying KODA for the concert. This will usually be the venue, and only very rarely a booker or a manager. Usually, the concert promoter is the venue, festival, music society, etc. If you are unsure who the promoter is, ask your booking agency or check the contract for the concert.
Add information on the music played at the concert.
- Choose a set list if you have set one up. You can edit the set list for individual concerts or under the item “Set list”.
- Choose the relevant works individually by either searching a list of your own works or all works in the Koda database. If you cannot find a particular work, click “Create new work” and state the work’s title, name, and duration.
It is important that your report contains all the works played at the concert – and this includes your own works and works by others. Payments are distributed in accordance with the shares attributed to the works, which also means that it is important to list the correct versions of the works.
Send or save report
You are now ready to send your report to Koda, but you can also choose to save it for subsequent updating. Once you click “Send” you can set up a set list featuring the works from your report. You will receive a receipt on the screen and in an email.
Status on your concert
Under My Koda "Concert list" you can see an overview of your concert reporting and the status of your reports. It is important that you keep an eye on the status of your reports; they may be given the status “rejected” if, for example, we do not have enough information about the concert promoter. In such cases, please contact our Member Services at [email protected]. Occasionally, we may have to reject your report because we have been unable to claim money for the concert from the promoter you have listed.
- Search payments distributed by NCB
Koda distributes payments for the NCB. This means that information about payments distributed can be found on My Koda under your account overview and in the NCB tax statements. If you need detailed information on the payments distributed, click the item “NCB distribution”, which links to the NCB web service. Under "Distribution statements" you can click the box “Distribution”. The first page only displays your name; proceed to the second page to see an overview of the payments distributed. You will also find a Top 20 of works for each individual area. The last pages contain all details about individual works. You can find additional details on how to read the information available on your NCB distributions in the NCB’s covering letter; find it under “Distribution statements”.
If you have any questions about your payments from NCB, please contact Koda’s Member Services at [email protected]. We will need the following information:
- Your full name
- Membership no.
- Work title(s)
- Cover title
- Artist/band
- Catalogue no.
- Time of release
- Territory(-ies)
- Publisher
The NCBs web service gives you access to information on e.g. catalogue numbers under "Album & Track Search".
- Assignments
Video: Searching in your account overview (In Danish with English subtitles)
The term ‘assignments’ is used to describe the various (third-party) transfers of money appearing in your profile on My Koda.
You can find information about these transactions in the assignments overview in the menu Account & Distribution.
Assignments overview
The assignments overview offers an overview of your assignments from publishers and authors alike.
You can find the following information in the assignments overview:
- Assignment type: ‘All works’ or ‘Selected works’.
- The works included in the assignment type ‘Selected works’.
- The expiration date (if any) of the assignment.
- The total amount accrued by the assignment.
Assignments information on your account overview
The account overview provides the following information about your assignments from publishers or authors:
- Total amounts for publishers and authors within a given period. Click ‘View items’ to see more details.
- Revenues distributed, listed by work. Click the underlined amounts when viewing items.
- If you have multiple assignments, you can filter them by publisher, by author or select individual rightsholders by means of the drop-down menus.
- List of works and work details
List of works
In the list of works, any works in dispute (i.e. works subject to double claims) are listed in red. If you click ‘Details’, you will see a triangular warning sign next to the disputed shares. If you have any additional questions about the dispute associated with the work, contact our Repertoire department at [email protected]
Under the heading ‘Work details’ you can find agreement numbers and agreement hierarchies (CRU = copyright unit).
Search works
Here you can search by work number and/or by ISWC-no. (International Standard Work Code). You can also search for original works and for versions of works.
What does 'Works notified by others’ mean?
The message ‘Works notified by others’ is actually intended for the authors, so it can be misleading for you as a publisher. When an author registers a work on behalf of all authors, the other authors automatically receive a message in My Koda, notifying them a new work has been registered. They can then check the division of shares on the work and object if they do not agree with the information registered.
If a publisher registers its claims on the work later, all authors will be notified again via My Koda. This involves a Koda employee choosing the command ‘Notify everyone’, which means that you as a publisher will be notified too: the publisher receives the same message as the authors of the work. If you receive notification about a work you are unfamiliar with, please contact the Repertoire department: [email protected]
What if ‘Not notified' works appear in my list of works?
If you see a work listed as ‘Not notified’, this means that we have not received a work registration and cannot make any distributions for that work. It is important that you register your works in due time – there may be money in it for you. To register a work, first click the work in question, then click the ‘Notify the work’ button; this will transfer all the details required, allowing you to review and correct the information before submitting your registration.
Check the list of ‘Not notified’ works on your list of works.
- Analysis
Video: How to use Analysis tools (In Danish with English subtitles)
You can use the ‘Analysis’ tool to get a quick overview of your distributions, but you can also delve into deeper, more detailed information.
Choose filters to see what you want
The filters applied at the top of the webpage govern what you see on the rest of the page. By default, the ‘Analysis’ page shows the distribution period covering the last year.
‘Search for work’ enables you to search by title, rightsholder and work number.
‘Filter result’ gives you the opportunity to filter your distributions by Country, Area and Sub-area.
Overall, the areas are divided into Koda areas (such as Radio, TV, Concert or Online) ad NCB areas (Streaming, Downloads etc.) Choose sub-areas to filter by specific radio stations, TV stations and so on.
More about the various functions
Distribution areas
- My Koda Releases
You can acquaint yourself with the latest improvements and bug corrections in My Koda by consulting the list of My Koda Releases