At a meeting of the Koda board of directors held on 23 May 2022, composer Anna Lidell was elected as Koda’s new chair. She takes over the helm from Niels Rønsholdt, who resigned as chair at Koda’s most recent general meeting in April.
Anna Lidell has been part of Koda's board as deputy chair since 2019. 35-year-old Anna Lidell is a composer, songwriter, musician, producer and is also chair of the Danish composers’ association Autor.
"I am grateful for this vote of confidence and look forward to taking on the great responsibility of spearheading a member-owned organisation with just over 49,000 members. As chair, I will strive to give Koda a clear voice in discussions, ensuring that the importance of rights becomes something to which we can all relate. Music is a key part of our everyday lives. Without the people who create it and disseminate it widely, there would be no music. In my opinion, Koda is one of the best collective rights management societies in the world, actively taking the lead in international cooperation on developing the future of rights management. These efforts require close international ties, and I look forward to embarking on that task," says Anna Lidell.
In addition to the election of Anna Lidell, the director of the music publisher Edition Wilhelm Hansen, Loui Törnqvist, and the chair of Danske Populær Autorer, Tobias Stenkjær, were elected as deputy chairs of Koda’s board of directors.
The Koda Board of Directors:
- Anna Lidell (chair, and chair of Autor)
- Tobias Stenkjær (deputy chair, chair of DPA)
- Loui Törnqvist (deputy chair, publisher representative)
- Ole Dreyer (chair of Musikforlæggerne)
- Juliana Hodkinson (chair of DKF)
- Søren Winding (publisher representative)
- Nanna Jacobi (author representative)
- Emil de Waal (author representative)
- Pernille Bévort (author representative)
- Jens Visby (employee representative)