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How do I report my concerts?

You report your concerts via My Koda. We need information about where and when the concert took place, the identity of the concert promoter and the works played. You may find it helpful to create a set list that you can use for other concerts afterwards. See our VIDEO GUIDE for a brief, easy overview of how to report concerts.

Click ‘Report’ to see the status of your concerts in the concert list. We may not have received sufficient information about the promoter and / or the venue; if this happens, we will initially reject your concert report. For this reason, it is important that you keep an eye on the current status of your concerts via My Koda. If your concert has been rejected, please contact Publishing and Member Services at [email protected]

When should I report my concerts?

Your concerts must be reported within one month of being held if you want to be sure of receiving distributions for them. We recommend that you always register your works first at My Koda under ‘Register work’, wait for them to appear in your list of works, and then make your concert reporting.

What should the set list include?

It is important that your concert report includes a set list that accurately reflects the event. This means that all works must be included – your own and works written by others. Distributions are made according to the shares applying to each relevant works, which means that it is important that the right versions of the works are reported. You must report your concert via My Koda; here you also have the opportunity to edit and reuse your set lists.

Who tells Koda when a concert has taken place?

We collect reports from you as a Koda member and from the concert promoter and/or venue. This gives us the best basis for collecting payment for this public event. Our customers pay for the right to arrange events, and we match up those payments with your concert report. For some concerts, collections are done individually on the basis of attendance figures / ticket income generated etc.; for other concerts, concert promoters have a fixed agreement with Koda, stating that they will a particular number of concerts within a given period.

DON’T FORGET to report your concerts to us no later than one month after the concert took place; only then can you be sure of receiving distributions.

Where can I see the current status of my concerts?

On your My Koda profile, your concert list will show you the current status of your reported concerts, giving you an overview of how far they have progressed in the system.

One of these statuses will apply :

  • Incomplete/Not submitted: the concert report has not been submitted yet; you can still edit it.
  • Submitted to Koda: the concert report has been received by Koda and is being processed.
  • Rejected: the concert report has been rejected. There may be several reasons for this. Often, it is because we need more information about the promoter, or because some of the details reported are incorrect. Check the details in your report or contact our Publisher and Member Service at [email protected]
  • Ready for distribution: this concert will be included in the next distribution. 
  • Distributed: the funds generated by this concert have been distributed.

It is important that you occasionally check to see if any of your concert reports have been rejected.

PLEASE NOTE: You can only see concerts that you have reported yourself. This means that if you are part of a band, for example, only the person who reported the concert will be able to see it in their concert list. Once the distribution is made, it will then appear in the concert lists of everyone involved. It will also be featured as part of your distribution.