(This was formerly known as Digital Track Report. That service has moved to My Koda, where you can now enter ISRC codes directly in your list of works)
Are you going to publish cover versions of works created by others? We need your ISRC codes to register the releases.
If you release works created by others (works in which you do not have any shares), you must fill in a short form to enable us to register the release and carry out distributions for public performances to the appropriate rightsholders. You assign ISRC codes to your tracks via Gramex
Please submit the form 14 days before releasing your cover
We use the information about your release in our track database, which is matched up against streaming services, download services and other online services. We urge you to submit the form as soon as possible and preferably 14 days before your cover is released.
Please note! If you are a member of Koda and publish your own works digitally, you must enter your ISRC codes directly via My Koda. You can add ISRC codes directly for existing works on your list of works. If you register a new work, simply add the ISRC code as part of the registration process.