At the 2023 general meeting, Koda's members re-elected all three board members who were up for election. At the same time, the board’s five proposals for changes to the articles of association and proposals for board fees during parental leave and long-term illness were approved with a significant majority.
‘We are here today to celebrate community – which is what we work for every single day in Koda. Our most important task is to safeguard the best possible conditions for you, the community, in terms of earnings, overall conditions and opportunities to create music. In light of this, we are very happy that Koda, as a business, continues to create good results on behalf of the community.’
With these words, Koda’s chair, Loui Törnqvist, opened Koda’s 2023 general meeting. She went on to tell the assembly about the most significant events of the previous year. Among other things, she was able to report that the year had yielded good results, both in terms of Koda’s turnover and in terms of the distributions made to rightsholders. But also, about a year that in several areas has been a decisive and defining year for the development of the future Koda. This was the year in which the seeds for a renewed Koda were sown. A Koda which in a new way establishes key partnerships and creates a decisive starting point for a stronger, more sustainable and more equal music scene for the benefit of the future generations of music creators.
Several exciting and important topics were on the agenda at the general meeting. Among those, three positions on Koda’s board of directors were up for election, and votes were to be taken on a proposal for board fees during paternity leave. The first item on the agenda to be approved by the assembly was Koda's annual report and transparency report. It was presented and reviewed by Koda's CEO, Gorm Arildsen, who among other things talked about the background to Koda’s highest-ever distribution.
Re-election for all nominated board members
The annual result was approved with great support from the assembly. The next item on the agenda was the election, where one position as author member and two positions as publisher member of Koda’s board were up for election at the general meeting. Two candidates ran for the position as author member while three candidates ran for the positions as publisher member of Koda’s board of directors.
After the five candidates had each stated the reasons for their candidacy, a vote was taken. The three existing members of the board who were up for election (Loui Tornqvist, Nana Jacobi and Søren Winding) were all re-elected. Koda’s board of directors therefore continues to be made up of the following nine members:
- Ole Dreyer (chair of Musikforlæggerne)
- Juliana Hodkinson (chair of DKF)
- Lasse Matthiessen (acting chair of for Autor)
- Tobias Stenkjær (chair of DPA)
- Loui Törnqvist (publisher representative)
- Søren Winding (publisher representative)
- Pernille Bévort (author representative)
- Nana Jacobi (author representative)
- Emil de Waal (author representative)
- Jens Visby (employee representative)
Voting on the board’s recommendations and proposed changes to the articles of association
The next items on the agenda concerned the board’s recommendations – for example on Koda’s policy for deductions from rights income (including cultural contributions), Koda's investment policy and Koda's policy for the use of funds that cannot be distributed. All proposals were approved by a significant majority.
Subsequently, there was a vote on the board’s proposal for a general policy on board remuneration during maternity/parental leave and long-term illness. In short, the proposal aimed to put Koda’s board members on an equal footing with Koda’s employees as regards the right to remuneration during maternity/parental leave and long-term illness. The proposal was approved by a large majority.
Finally, a vote was taken on the board’s proposals for five amendments to Koda’s articles of association. These changes were, among other things, about ensuring that holding a purely digital general meeting will be possible in the event of force majeure, as was the case during the COVID pandemic, as well as a uniform registration deadline for everyone. The changes were all voted through, and as they pertain to the articles of association, an extraordinary general meeting will be held on 30 May 2023.
When the minutes from the general meeting have been approved by the general meeting’s chair, members of Koda can receive them by contacting [email protected] or [email protected].