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25. September 2024
Answers to your questions about Nuuday/YouSee’s lawsuit against rightsholders
Nuuday/YouSee have sued Koda and other stakeholders in the industry, demanding a 70+ per cent cut in the remuneration paid for use of music creators’ content. This raises many questions, and here we provide answers to the ones we are most frequently asked.
23. September 2024
After five years without real change in gender equality statistics: ‘Everyone needs to take responsibility’
For the fifth year in a row, Koda’s report on gender inequality and gender statistics shows that gender equality on the Danish music scene is in a poor state: only 10 per cent of the money distributed by Koda ends up in the pockets of female music creators. At the same time, the proportion of women among the highest earners is now the lowest it has ever been in five years. The chair of Koda describes these findings as discouraging and calls for the entire industry to take responsibility.