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Share allocations for works

Only music publishers that are members of Koda (or of one of our affiliates abroad) can be allocated shares in works. These rules are in keeping with our standard allocation rules, which establish certain limits for the agreements that publishing companies and authors may enter into:

From Koda, the original music publishing house may receive up to 33.33 % of the share going to the author with whom a publishing agreement has been signed. This is to say that if the music publishing house has entered into agreements with all authors of the work, said publishing house may receive 33.33 % of the total share allocated for the work. If any sub-publishers are involved, the music publishing houses are eligible for a maximum total share of 50 %.

From NCB two different maximum limits for shares allocated to the original publishing house apply:

  • 33.33 % if the work features lyrics and the composer and lyricist are not the same person
  • 50 % if the work does not feature lyrics or if the composer and lyricist are the same person 




Danish authors with original publishing contracts with a Danish publisher

Shares allocated for works by Danish authors with original publishing contracts with a Danish publisher (author and publisher are both Koda members) 

Publisher's share

The Koda share allocated to the publisher cannot exceed 33.33%, but it can be smaller.

If a publisher has entered into an agreement with all authors of a given work, the publisher’s total maximum share of the entire work will be 33.33%.

If a publisher has only entered into an agreement with some of the authors of a given work the share allocated to the publisher cannot exceed 33.33% of the share allocated to the author(s) with whom the agreement has been made. If, for example, the publisher only has a contract with one of the authors, the publisher’s total share cannot exceed 33.33% of that author’s share.

The NCB rules on share allocation offers two options for maximum limits for the share allocated to the original publisher:

  • 33.33% if the work includes lyrics, and the composer and lyricist are not the same person
  • 50% if the work does not include lyrics, or if the composer and lyricist are one and the same person 
Author's share

A publisher must know the allocation of shares agreed by the authors before shares are allocated to the publisher. The authors’ shares may be allocated as follows:

  • In accordance with our standard allocation rules and for NCB
  • As agreed allocations, which means that the authors have mutually agreed on an allocation of shares that differs from Koda’ standard allocation. Certain minimum and maximum limits must still be observed when agreeing on non-standard allocations of shares

When a publisher submits notification of a new work to Koda, the authors will automatically be informed of this via their My Koda profile.

If the authors have previously submitted notification of the work themselves, they will also automatically receive a message informing them that said work has not been registered with a share allocated to the publisher.

If the publisher’s allocation of shares between the authors differs from the allocation originally submitted by the authors themselves, Koda will use the original allocation and will notify the publisher of this fact. 

Danish authors with sub-publishing contracts with a publisher abroad

Shares allocated for works by Danish authors with sub-publishing contrasts with a publisher abroad (the authors and the original publisher are both Koda members, the sub-publisher is a member of a foreign collective rights management society). 

Publisher's share

When a Danish publisher enters into an agreement pertaining to Danish works with a foreign sub-publisher, the share allocation rules stipulated by Koda and NCB must be observed.

  • The Koda rules state that the two publishers may jointly receive a total maximum of 50% of the shares allocated to the author(s) with whom their agreement has been entered.
  • The NCB rules state that the two publishers may jointly receive a total maximum of 50% of the shares allocated to the author(s) with whom their agreement has been entered. However, in the event of local translations or arrangements the NCB rules allow publishers to jointly receive up to 66.67% in those cases where the sub-publisher collects payment for the local translator or arranger.

The contract between the original publisher and authors must state how much of a total share publishers may jointly have in the event of sub-publishing.  

The contract between the original publisher and sub-publisher must determine the allocation of shares between the publishers. 

Foreign local translator and/or arranger's share 
  • The Koda rules state that the share allocated to the local translator and/or local arranger will be taken from the shares allocated to the original authors. The shares allocated to the foreign local translator and/or arranger may not exceed 8,33%; this is because the translator/arranger contributes a share to the publishers out of their original translator/arranger share of 16.67%.
  • The NCB rules state that the mechanical share allocated to local translators and/or local arrangers may not exceed 16.67%. The share allocated to the foreign local translator and/or arranger is usually taken out of the sub-publisher’s share.

The contract between the original publisher and sub-publisher may include stipulations on the shares allocated to local translators and/or arrangers – both in connection with public performances and mechanical playback.

Foreign authors with sub-publishing contracts with a Danish publisher
Shares allocated for works by foreign authors with sub-publishing contrasts with a Danish publisher (the authors and the original publisher are both members of a foreign collective rights management society, the sub-publisher is a Koda member).
Publisher's share

A Danish publisher serves as a sub-publisher when the Danish publisher has entered into an agreement with a foreign publisher stating that the Danish publisher will represent a work in e.g. Denmark or the Nordic countries.

The contract between the original publisher and sub-publisher must determine the allocation of shares between the publishers – both in connection with public performances and mechanical playback.

Koda also expects the sub-publisher to be aware of and submit notification of the allocation of shares between multiple authors where applicable. The information supplied must include the name of the authors’ collective rights management society and preferably also the authors’ IPI number (International Person Identification).  

Danish translator and/or arranger's share

The contract between the original publisher and sub-publisher may include stipulations on the shares allocated to the Danish translator and/or arranger, both in connection with public performances and mechanical playback.

When the Danish sub-publisher submits notification of a Danish translation/arrangement of a foreign work, their notification form must include information on the publisher’s shares for both Koda and NCB. Correspondingly, the notification must also state the size of the shares allocated to the translator/arranger for both Koda and NCB, and whether the translator/arranger’s share will be taken from the sub-publisher’s share.

If the sub-publisher holds rights to a Danish translated version and the original version alike, notification must be submitted separately for each of the two works.