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November 2023

Koda’s November distribution 2023 took place on Thursday 9 November. For a full overview of the areas and performance periods included, see the Koda distribution schedule

TV and Radio

The November distribution covers all TV and Radio areas where distributions are made monthly. While it primarily concerns performances in August 2023, you will find that in several areas performances from September have also already been reported, processed and are ready for distribution.

In addition to this, the November distribution also includes annual distributions for the channels Kanal4, Kanal5, 6eren and Canal9, covering music use in 2022. The monthly distributions for these channels had been put on hold while a new reporting format was being implemented. Furthermore, the November distribution covers the C-More channels (Hits, First, Stars, Series) for 2022. The C-more channels have now ceased operation, meaning that no further distributions will be made for these channels.  

The November distribution also includes the final settlement for TV3 for 2022 and for Faroese radio covering the period 2019–2022.


As regards the online area, the November distribution covers music use on TV2 Play up to and including Q3 2023. This applies to on-demand content as well as to TV2’s flow channels viewed by way of the TV2 Play platform. The November distribution also includes music use on Instore radio in 2022.

The November distribution further includes an annual distribution for 2022 for the area Online Background, which comprises revenues generated from minor digital services that cannot be directly linked to reported data. Instead, the distribution is based on representative analogous data from other areas – specifically from Nuuday Musik and Interactive TV-services.  

Concert and Background

As regards concerts, the November distribution covers all concerts where the music reporting has been processed and completed and where Koda has received all necessary information from the concert promoter (for example about ticket revenues per concert). This time it includes concerts held up to and including October 2023.

As regards the Background area, the November distribution covers performances in 2022 for the category Streaming Service Detail.

Other areas

The November distribution includes so-called ‘Compensation for local sub-publishing’ for 2022. The amounts distributed in this area derive from revenues from cable TV as well as interactive TV services offered by TV distributors such as YouSee and Stofa. 

The November distribution furthermore covers music used on TV distributors’ info channels in 2022. The distribution is carried out on the basis of music reporting received from YouSee as well as on reused reporting from other areas which are representative in relation to the music sources used.


This time, the distribution of revenues from the category Abroad is substantial, covering several of the countries from which Koda typically receives the largest sums. Below we list some of the countries/societies from which Koda makes the most substantial distributions on this occasion, stating some of the main areas and periods covered (based on the information received from the societies abroad).

Norge (TONO): TV, Radio – Q1 2023, Concert 2022, streaming and VOD services – miscellaneous periods.

Finland (TEOSTO): Miscellaneous periods – up to and including Q1 2023

Sweden (STIM): Concert – 2021, VOD services – up to and including Q1 2023

The Netherlands (BUMA):  Miscellaneous areas – up to and including Q1 2023