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Koda’s cultural contributions 2016

In 2016 the Danish music scene received 9.3 million EUR in support from Koda’s cultural contributions. This support encompasses everything from production sponsorships and grants to PR and political initiatives aimed at improving conditions for Koda’s business and safeguarding the basis of a strong, diverse international music scene. 

Every year up to ten per cent of Koda’s net income is set aside for cultural contributions. The cultural contributions are allocated to a wide range of activities, the overall objective being partly to stimulate and support the development and production of music, and partly to conduct political lobby work aimed at improving the basic conditions of our business.

Whether the funds are used for working grants, for production support for the development of new music, or to arrange songwriter camps for international professionals, the cultural contributions ensure that every year, part of Koda’s revenues are reinvested in the music scene, helping to keep it strong and diverse.

As is indicated in the chart to the right, a total of 9.3 million EUR were spent on cultural contributions in 2016. These funds are allocated into seven portions: one each for Koda, DKF (Danish Composers’ Society), DJBFA (Composers and Songwriters), DPA (Danish Songwriters’ Guild), Musikforlæggerne (Danish Music Publishers’ Association), and for two shared reserves, one shared between the three composers’ associations (DAKS) and the other between all four associations.

The distribution of Koda’s cultural contributions for 2016 is described in greater detail below.


Koda, which also distributed for Greenland and the Faroe Islands, spent 1.5 million EUR, corresponding to 16.2 per cent of the total cultural contributions of 2016.

Koda spends cultural contribution funds on raising awareness of Koda in general and to promote Koda’s work pertaining to political decision-making and the frameworks of copyright legislation. Up until 1 January 2017 Koda was also in charge of the reserve fund used for applications from Koda members who are not also members of one of the four associations. A total of 232 such grants were made, corresponding to 0.5 million EUR.  

Koda spent 20 thousand EUR on administration, corresponding to 1.3 per cent of Koda’s total share of the cultural contributions.  


DJBFA allocated 35.4 per cent of the cultural contributions, corresponding to 3.3 million EUR. The association gave out work grants, travel grants and working residencies to a total value of 1.2 million EUR, encompassing 632 individual grants.

In addition to this, 265 composers were given the opportunity to stay and work at DJBFA’s retreats to a total cost of 0.3 million EUR. DJBFA held network meetings, courses and professional sparring sessions to a total cost of 0.1 million EUR, and spent 0.2 million EUR on publication grants, encompassing 194 grants in all. 0.2 million EUR were spent on funding for tours, festivals and projects, including 80 tours abroad, 28 festivals and 24 innovation projects.

The association spent 0.7 million EUR on cultural politics work with particular emphasis on two main areas: one being Music and Health, the other Public Service. DJBFA held an honorary award celebration where honorary grants to a total value of 15 thousand EUR were handed out. DJBFA has also won a major leading legal case regarding the obligations of publishing houses; the legal fees amounted to 22 thousand EUR.   

DJBFA spent 0.36 million EUR on administration, corresponding to 11.2 per cent of DJBFA’s total allocation of cultural contributions.


DAKS (the collaborative set-up for DKF, DJBFA and DPA) spent 2.1 per cent of the cultural contributions, corresponding to 0.2 million EUR. The organisation continued its work on representing its member organisations in EU contexts, for example in ECSA and at meetings in Brussels. DAKS had a representative in the project group of the Danish national initiative concerning music in public libraries, and the shared project MB2020 was concluded. DAKS also operated Jurakontoret (“The Legal Office”), where members can come for general advice, assistance with their contracts, etc.

DAKS spent 15 thousand EUR on administration, corresponding to 7.4 per cent of the organisation’s total allocation of cultural contributions.

Shared reserve

The shared reserves set aside for all four associations amounted to 1.1 per cent of the total cultural contributions, corresponding to 0.1 million EUR. They were spent on numerous activities, for example to support BFM (Danish Film & Media Composers – DFMC) and a major survey of electronic music in Denmark under the auspices of STRØM. An initiative to raise awareness of the work done by composers, songwriters and music publishers was launched in co-operation with the consultancy firm Advice. Some funds were spent on inaugurating the large-scale sound work in the foyer of Koda, a work of art originally commissioned by Musikforlæggerne, DJBFA, DPA and DKF when Koda and the four associations moved to Lautrupsgade in 2014. Finally, the four associations are part of, which serves as the base for political efforts conducted in co-operation with e.g. book publishers, journalists, artists and writers.

The shared reserve spent 5.5 thousand EUR administration, corresponding to 7.4 per cent of its total allocation of cultural contributions.


DKF distributed 15.0 per cent of the cultural contributions, corresponding to 1.4 million EUR. The association spent 0.2 million EUR on supporting the creation of new music in the form of working grants and working residencies in the association’s own properties (“komponistmidlerne”). 0.4 million EUR was spent on production and communication in the form of support for festivals, ensembles and music and cultural organisations from Denmark and abroad; this was done via “Produktionspuljen” (the production reserve). The association spent 45 thousand EUR on networking. In 2016 the association’s chief emphasis was placed on education work, for example on developing two new sets of teaching materials for Danish schools, six workshops for composers, four supplementary training courses for music teachers (including music teachers in schools), mentor programmes, and a seminar on gender and music education. The total cost of these education initiatives was 61 thousand EUR. The association also spent 11 thousand EUR on international political work pertaining to music. The association spent 70 thousand EUR on strategic communication.

DKF spent 0.2 million EUR on administration, corresponding to 13.4 per cent of its total allocation of cultural contributions.


DPA spent 20.9 per cent of the cultural contributions, corresponding to 1.9 million EUR. The association distributed approximately 1 million EUR as grants, encompassing 505 separate grants for projects, study, travel and acute export. A total of 16 thousand EUR was spent on grants for courses. All in all, the total amount allocated to direct grants came to 1 million EUR, corresponding to 52.6% of DPA’s total expenditure. The remaining 47.4% of DPA’s cultural contributions were spent on grants, support, political work and administration. A total of 240 composers were awarded residencies in DPA’s properties to a total cost of 0.1 million EUR.

In 2016 the association rented a house in Los Angeles to be used by commercial songwriters working on projects in the city. The total costs, including set-up costs, rent and operation, were 32.5 thousand EUR. The association arranged professional events, workshops and seminars to a total of 0.2 million EUR, including: Airplay Camp, a seminar on children’s music, electronic network meetings, Nashville Masterclass & Writing Camp and a competition for producers. The association supported 34 projects within the Danish music scene, corresponding to total costs of 0.2 million EUR.

All in all, the association supported other activities within the Danish music scene to a total cost of 0.4 million EUR. The association spent 0.1 million EUR on political efforts and lobbying to benefit songwriters, producers, composers and lyricists with particular emphasis on popular and commercial music.

DPA spent 0.2 million EUR on administration, corresponding to 10.4 per cent of its total allocation of cultural contributions.


Musikforlæggerne/The Danish Music Publishers’ Association allocated 9.3 per cent of the cultural contributions, corresponding to 0.9 million EUR. 3 thousand EUR was allocated to defray the cost of legal assistance associated with a specific leading case. The association supported the Carl Prisen (Carl Award) with 80 thousand EUR in order to promote awareness of the work done by authors and music publishers. Musikforlæggerne primarily spent its share of the cultural contributions on supporting works by authors who are under contract with member publishers, allowing those works to be published and more widely distributed.

PR activities for sixty projects received support, corresponding to 0.1 million EUR. 32 thousand EUR was allocated to courses relevant to music publishing, covering five separate projects. Concerts received a total of 9K, also comprising five projects. A total of 0.1 million EUR was allocated to travel costs, study grants and working grants (a total of 48 cases), e.g. to defray travel costs for attending co-writes and similar songwriting sessions abroad, to take part in trade fairs, seminars etc. 60K was allocated to the production of sheet music, encompassing 35 publications. A total of 113 publications (digital as well as physical) received a total of 0.3 million EUR for production, recording and publication. A more detailed account of the distribution of the cultural contributions can be found on the association’s website.

Musikforlæggerne spent 0.2 million EUR on administration, corresponding to 20 per cent of the association’s total allocation of cultural contributions.




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Koda’s cultural contributions 2016