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How do I receive money from abroad?

Here is the typical money-flow when your music is performed on, for instance, a radio station abroad.


Your song gets performed

The foreign radio station pays money to the foreign rightowner-society for the right to perform music.

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Usually there is one rightowner-society per country. The foreign rightowner-society collect money from those using music in their country (radio stations, TV-channels etc.).

The collected amount usually depend on how much music is performed, number of listeners etc.

If the foreign rightowner-society does not collect money, you will receive no money for your performances.


The music-use is reported

The radio station informs the foreign rightowner-society, what music they have performed.

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  • Some radio stations report the full music-use to the foreign rightowner-society.
  • Some radio stations report only what music they have performed during a specific period of the year. This is called sample-reporting.


The method used usually depend on how much money has been collected from the radio station.

On national radio stations you will normally receive money for all your performances. Distribution for local radio is usually based on samples. In this case you will most likely not receive money (as samples are generally quite small).

Koda does not receive information directly from foreign radio stations on what music they perform. So, in general, we do not know what Danish music has been performed abroad, apart from what foreign rightowner-societies inform us.


Rightowners are identified

The foreign rightowner-society identify who has composed the performed music.

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The radio station informs the foreign rightowner-society of what music they have performed (music title, artist, duration etc.). The foreign rightowner-society then match this with information in their music work database, thereby identifying the rightowners who has composed the performed works (and which share they are entitled to).

The money collected from the radio station is divided amongst the performed works.


Money is sent to Koda

If music by Koda-members has been performed, the foreign rightowner-society send money to Koda.

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If the radio station has used music, composed by members of Koda, the foreign rightowner-society send money to Koda. Usually Koda receive money 6-18 months after the actual performance.


Money is paid out

Koda pay out the money to the rightowners whose music has been performed.

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When Koda receives money from abroad, we check whether rightowners and the received share is correct. Subsequently money is paid out to the rightowners, usually in the first distribution taking place after we have received the money.

Koda does not deduct any administration costs from money from abroad. The received amount is passed on to the rightowners whose music has been performed.