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How to read the data

Choice of filter

You can choose among the following lists (see more details below):

  • Heirs
  • Untraceable members
  • Danish non-members
  • Registered works with unidentified rightsholders
  • Unregistered works
  • Parked tracks

The list contains the names of deceased Koda members, where we have trouble locating the proper heirs. If we know the names of the heirs, they will be listed on the detail level. You will also find work examples, to help identify the specific Koda member in question.

If you have any knowledge of one or more heirs, please contact the Repertoire department at [email protected]

Untraceable members

The list contains Koda members, where we lack one or more contact details. You will find work examples on the detail level, to help identify the specific rightsholder in question.

If you have any knowledge of a rightsholder from the list, please contact the Repertoire department at [email protected] 

Danish non-members

The list contains Danish non-members, where we lack one or more contact details. You will find work examples on the detail level, to help identify the specific rightsholder in question.

If you have any knowledge of a rightsholder from the list, please contact the Repertoire department at [email protected] 

Registered works with unidentified rightsholders

The list contains works that are already properly registered, but one or more rightsholders on the work seem to have no society affiliation. If a rightsholder is registered as Non Society or ‘099’, we need help to identify the person further.

If you have any knowledge of such a rightsholder contact the Repertoire department at [email protected]

Unregistered works

The list contains works with the status 'Not registered'. This means, that Koda has not received a proper registration of the work from its rightsholders, or because the registration of the work has a (slightly) different title than the work title coming from the music reports. For international works on the list, Koda has not been able to find a proper work registration in the international database, CIS-Net.

  • If you are a member of Koda and a rightsholder of a work with the status 'Not registered', please send in a proper work registration of the work via your profile, on My Koda/Mit Koda
  • If you have already sent in a work registration of the work, but with a (slightly) different title, please send an email to [email protected]and let us know which work titles and work numbers are the same.   
  • If you are a member of a foreign performance rights society, please contact your own society and make sure that your work is correctly registered, also in the international databases, and have your society contact Koda with the correct work information.
Parked tracks

The list contains the NCB and Koda online tracks that could not be matched with any proper work registration. Therefore, there is no work key, but only a track key listed.

If you have any knowledge of a track listed, please contact the Repertoire department at [email protected]

Extracts (Excel)

You can choose one or two different Excel extracts, depending on your choice of filter:

For all Rightsholder lists (Heirs, Untraceable members and Danish non-members), you can download an Excel extract with the detail levels present, including examples of work titles to help identify the rightsholder, as well as information about heirs (the latter for the ‘Heirs’ list only). This extract only shows the same search result that you see in your browser, which is a maximum of 100 rightsholders at a time. So if your search result consists of more than 100 hits, you must click to go to the next page and make another extract, one for each page. We are working on expanding these lists to include the complete list, should it exceed 100 rightsholders.

For the work lists ‘Registered works with unidentified rightsholders’ and ‘Unregistered works’, you can make a detailed extract in Excel, by choosing the ‘Full list’ option. This extract will contain the full list of what you searched for, including information at detail level.

For all three work lists, you can also just make a simple one-liner extract, by choosing the ‘Excel’ option. Beware that this extract only shows the same search result that you see in your browser, so if your search result consists of more than 100 hits, you must click to go to the next page and make another extract, one for each page. We are working on expanding these lists to include a complete work or track list each time, also for this one-liner version.


The Value column, on each of the work lists in the database, indicates the total amount on the work, to be divided between the rightsholders:

  • High = amounts over 1.000 DKK
  • Medium = amounts between 100,01 – 1.000 DKK
  • Low = amounts between 0,01 – 100 DKK
Data processing limits

Only data with amounts above a certain value is presented in the database. See the present value limits here