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Membership application Composer/lyricist

1 Information

Information about you


Please note that the name you provide must be your full name as shown in your personal certificate or in your passport


Format is 'ddmmyynnnn'. If you do not have a Danish CPR-no, please enter your date of birth followed by four zeros



Contact information


Bank details

Koda will automatically transfer your royalty amounts to your Nemkonto, unless you have entered other information in your membership declaration.


Consent declaration

I hereby give Koda consent to communicate my contact details (e-mail) to any person who has informed Koda that they request these details based on an interest in doing business with me. I am aware that my consent can be withdrawn at any time.


Terms and Conditions

Transfer of the exclusive administration right

I hereby grant exclusive authorisation to Koda to administer the public performance rights of my works as well as the exclusive authorisation to administer the rights to record and reproduce my works on recording devices capable of reproducing them such as records, compact-discs, tapes, videos, sound films or any similar present or future device (Mechanical reproduction rights and distribution rights for audio, audiovisual and multimedia carriers).

In addition, I grant an authorisation (non-exclusive) to Koda to administer the right to making available online on-demand, including the reproduction related hereto, of my works in graphic form, ie. as texts, sheet music, chord symbols or in other similar current or future forms, including in machine-readable form.

The transfer of rights does not include the right in dramatico-musical performances of operas, musical comedies, musicals, ballets, pantomimes, and revue-theatre performances.

The transfer of rights gives Koda the authorisation, on behalf of me and my inheritors, to protest against any infringement of these rights in my works and to take any measure in fact or in law, which might prove necessary in order to protect these rights.

The transfer of rights moreover entitles Koda to let a third party represent part or all of the rights in question, in Denmark as well as in the rest of the world. 

Categories of rights

A member has the right to limit Koda’s authorisation, restricting Koda to manage specific categories of rights. Koda operates with the following categories of rights:

  1. General public performance
  2. Broadcasting
  3. Online (except broadcast)
  4. Phono-mechanical
  5. Audio-visual-mechanical
  6. Synchronisation
  7. Graphic rights for online use (on demand making available)

Furthermore, it is possible to divide the management of rights on a geographic level.

Should a member wish to restrict or terminate Koda’s authorisation to manage the rights in one or more of the aforementioned categories, this can be done in connection with the membership registration or with six months’ notice to the end of Koda’s financial year. 

Included works

The transfer of rights applies to all my existing and possible future musical compositions with or without lyrics. In the event that there are works as to which I already have granted prior authorisation of the rights covered by this agreement, Koda is entitled to request that I submit all information and all documents which may prove necessary in order to establish the extent of such arrangements. 

Documentation and notification

It is my responsibility to supply Koda with a list of my existing works and to supplement this list with information of my new works as soon as they have been created. I furthermore agree to supply Koda with all the information of my works necessary to Koda in connection with collection, registration and distribution.

If the occasion should arise, I am obliged to document that I own or represent the rights in the works, which I have notified to Koda, and that all necessary permissions from other rightsholders have been obtained. I acknowledge that according to Koda’s Articles of Association, I am only entitled to receive distributions for correctly notified works. 

Distribution of royalties

I acknowledge that I, without exception, am subject to Koda’s rules concerning the distribution of royalties yielded by the administration of rights pursuant to this agreement. This applies not only to the rules in Koda’s Articles of Association but also to any decision made in this regard by Koda’s Board of Directors. 

Publishing agreements

To the extent that the Articles of Association of Koda and the conditions of the present agreement allow me to transfer or acquire shares of royalties by a publishing agreement, Koda must be notified immediately. Any such publishing agreement must explicitly mention that collection and distribution of royalties must be administered by Koda or by societies co-operating with Koda.

Transfer of the rights

When I die, the successors to my rights are under the obligation to respect this membership declaration in the same way as I am. Should my rights descend to two persons or more, they shall be obliged to nominate one representative representing the successors collectively in relation to Koda. This representative will receive all distributions from Koda.

Moreover, I acknowledge that Koda only distributes to members who have composed, written or published the works covered by the administration of rights. I am therefore precluded from transferring the right to receive distributions from Koda to a third party, apart from consideration deriving from publishing agreements entered into with publishers being members of Koda or of one of Koda’s foreign sister societies. 

Non-commercial uses

Regardless of the authorization to Koda, a member has the right to grant licenses for non-commercial uses of any rights, categories of rights or types of works and other subject matter that they may choose. Considering a just and appropriate administration , Koda Board of Directors decides the guidelines on how non-commercial use is to be defined and understood as well as defining the categories of rights, types of works and other subject matter. These guidelines are published on Koda’s website.